An Explanation

Phew. It has been a while. No, I haven’t been simply hiding under a rock. Instead: life happened. Which it does; all the time.

Right before NaNoWriMo (which I was all prepared for), I lost my job. This kind of hit me hard in the gut and stung a little. I loved my job and understood why they had to lay me off, it wasn’t their fault nor do I blame them. But it was still hard.

I moved back home with my mum, did nothing for a while and then got my head on straight again to begin focusing on where I was going. I know what I want to do with my life, but getting there is going to be exceptionally hard.

My dream is to run a schutzhund training centre as well as to breed top working German Shepherd Dogs. Easy said, not easy done. But, not being one to give up (sigh) I tried for months to find somewhere that would accept me. I ended up working at a boarding kennels on the weekends, knowing it wasn’t truly helping me on my path.

Then I contacted a few places and accidently sent an email to a woman in Canda who owned show line Shepherds. After a bit of communication, here I am! Sitting in sunny Aldergrove, BC surrounded by the most amazing dogs in the world (okay, they’re show not working line, but still pretty good) and loving everything I’m learning.

I had some spare time so I thought it was right for me to try and start my online blog again. Seeing as everything was from late 2012, I’m just the type of person who had to have a clear out and start from scratch. The Lucidity Archives has been renamed, my writing list has changed, my idea for last years NaNoWriMo is ready to be dusted off and life is all good.

I’m back, and ready to write!

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